No. 10a

Pitch fee band
24' x 20' (7.3m x 6.1m)
Private sale by homeowner

Please note that you must contact private sellers directly. Pentland Park cannot provide any information about a home being sold privately.

2 bed, 1 bath modern remodelled home with ample storage in a quiet area with private driveway.

  • Open plan kitchen / living room with beautiful views of the field in back.
  • Spacious master bedroom with walk-in mirrored large closet. Spare room has a generous closet too.
  • Modern bathroom with large walk-in shower.
  • Large appliance closet for washer / dryer.
  • Ample back garden that opens to the field with new shed and lean-to bike storage included.
  • All new floors, freshly painted and decorated, smoke-free, cat/dog free home.

Details of any home being sold privately have been provided by the seller for listing as-is on this website. Pentland Park cannot make any warranty or representations as to their accuracy or completeness.

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Call the seller on 07923 599 082.

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